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Choi Yun Hee


DOJC KOREA는 20년의 다양한 여행 경험을 바탕으로 설립된 회사입니다. 저희 회사는 항상 최고의 서비스를 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

우리는 고급 패키지, 일반 패키지, MICE 및 학생 교환에 큰 관심을 가지고 추진하고 있으며, 특별하고 사적인 여행 프로그램은 고객 만족도를 빠르게 높이고 있습니다. 또한, 명확한 사명감을 통한 여행을 통해 좋은 영향을 미치려고 노력하고 있습니다. 우리 회사는 한국의 지위를 향상시키는 것을 사명으로 하며 현재 미디어, 동남아와 연계된 프로그램을 통해 한국을 홍보하고 있습니다. 또한, 수익의 일부는 국내외의 가난한 어린이들을 돕기 위해 사용되고 있습니다.

게다가, 우리 회사는 MICE 사업, 일반 패키지 사업, 고급 패키지 사업, 장애인 여행 및 학생 교환 프로그램, 그리고 Barrier Free Tour와 같은 많은 관심사를 가지고 있습니다. 한편으로, 우리 회사가 상용화한 특별하고 고급스럽고 개인적인 여행 프로그램은 고객 만족도를 급격히 높였습니다.

따라서, 우리는 동남아 및 전 세계에서 많은 프로그램을 통해 한국을 소통하려고 노력하고 있습니다.

우리는 강한 부름의 감각을 통해 좋은 영향을 미치려고 노력하고 있습니다.


일생에 한 번뿐인 콘서트

처음 '한국'이라는 단어를 들었을 때 무엇이 떠오르나요? 바로 K-POP입니다! 모든 K-POP 콘서트는 독특합니다. 따라서 한국에 오실 때 이 놀라운 콘서트를 놓치면 안됩니다!

내 인생에 가장 큰 영향을 미친 K-드라마를 찾아보세요

당신의 인생에 영향을 준 K-드라마를 찾아보세요. K-드라마 캐릭터를 따라 한국의 모든 촬영 장소를 방문하세요. 드라마에서 언급된 역사, 문화, 자연 환경 또는 예술이든 당신은 드라마 장면의 분위기를 느끼면서 동시에 마음과 몸을 치유할 수 있습니다.

한국 연예인을 따라가는 감성 여행

당신이 좋아하는 아티스트를 사랑하나요? 네! 그들에 대해 더 알고 싶나요? 네!! 그들과 같은 하늘 아래 머무르고 싶나요? 물론이죠!!! 저는 내 연예인을 사랑해요. 내 연예인에 대해 모든 것을 알고 싶어요. 그들과 잠시동안 같은 하늘 아래 머무르고 싶어요. 한국으로 가서 당신이 좋아하는 연예인의 발자취를 따라가봅시다!

A Sensibility Trip that follows the Korea Trend

Special, Unique Experience & Themed Tour, Only in Korea
Provide the activities that you can experience only when you come to Korea
Follow the themed tour of culture, natural, art, healthcare, well-being and healing
Experience the unique Korean daily lifestyle on clothing, food, living and transportation
Taste the most delicious K-food, feel the most authentic Korean life.

Tailor-made Travel Package

No worry about problems you may encounter when traveling
Customize the most complete and convenient travel package
Arrange itinerary, accommodation, transportation, meals for you
Create a perfect trip in Korea.

Bring the precious memories of your trip back home

Want to buy representative products from Korea?
Whether it is idol merchandise, albums, or
the famous Korean ginseng, red ginseng, heaven grade ginseng,
traditional foods, roasted seaweed, cosmetics, fashion, etc.
We have all you want!

Traveling with Korea Star Tour

So that it can be a brilliant memory for you,


2021년 3월

Korea Star Tour, founded by March in 2014, we are dedicated in creating and facilitating 20 years of travel experiences, guiding


2021년 3월

Korea Star Tour, founded by March in 2014, we are dedicated in creating and facilitating 20 years of travel experiences, guiding tourists to travel all over Korea, see the most beautiful scenery in Korea, eat the most authentic Korean food, and also buy the most representativ


2021년 3월

eat the most authentic Korean food, and also buy the most representative


2021년 3월

Korea Star Tour, founded by March in 2014, we are dedicated in creating and facilitating 20 years of travel experiences, guiding tourists to travel all over Korea, see the most beautiful scenery in Korea, eat the most authentic Korean food, and also buy the most representativ


2021년 3월

eat the most authentic Korean food, and also buy the most representative


2021년 3월

Korea Star Tour, founded by March in 2014, we are dedicated in creating and facilitating 20 years of travel experiences, guiding


K-pop Idol Concert


From our TICKET PACKAGES, You can experience the most lively K-POP Hallyu consert, fan-meeting with idols, movie permiere, and various Korean famous musicals, etc.

K-POP Idol Concert
Year-end Music Awards
SBS / KBS / MBC live broadcast
Album Autograph Session
Products Autograph Session
Movie VIP Permiere
Movie Live Talk
Musical Show



We provide you with the most special tourism package – FANS TOUR PACKAGES

Idols, stars, actors
Visit the places where idols and celebrities grew up, check in places where they have stayed before their debut (hometown, school, dance academy), go to restaurants they often go to, and go to places where they have filmed MVs / movies / photos / drama series and take photos at the attractions.

Let’s go to the filming locations and visit the most famous and unforgettable scene in the drama!


Seoul Namsan Tower


We also have GENERAL TRAVEL PACKAGES You can go shopping, hunting foods, experience traditional culture, visit natural sights and historical sites, etc..

Day trip
Private tour/Group Tour
2 days and 1 night
(or 3 days and 2 nights, 4 days and 3 nights, 5 days and 4 nights, etc.)

Making Korean cuisine and foods


You can also participate in various EXPERIENCE ACTIVITIES Through the experience activities, you can understand Korean culture and traditions more easily in interesting way.

Wearing Hanbok
Wearing Hanbok and go to the palace, taking the most beautiful photos. Imagine yourself as a prince and princess of Korea. It is also a good experience!

Musical Show
Learn the most tamped K-POP dance together, and everyone will be idol after learning it!

Experience K-POP song recording the recording room
Experience the feeling of being a Korean singer recording a song, sing your best song, and record your beautiful voices~

Making Korean cuisine and foods (Bibimbap, Kimchi, Korean Seaweed, Makgeolli)
Let’s learn how to cook Korean food together ~ In this way, you can eat Korean food anytime even though you are not in Korea!

DIY Korean handicrafts / souvenirs
DIY a Korean handicrafts as a sourvenir for your beloved family and friends!

DIY Chopsticks and Spoon

Idols merchandises, Albums

representative products

Besides the fascinating scenery in Korea, there are many representative products from South Korea too! When you travel to Korea, you must not forget to bring your souvenir home to your family and friends! * If you can’t visit Korea, it doesn’t matter. You can purchase the KOREAN PRODUCTS that you want from us! What are the MUST BUY SOUVENIRS in Korea? ~

Idols merchandises, Albums
The product you absolutely want to take home is the merchandises! Albums, posters, photo albums, photocards and more!

Celebrity-endorsed products (Bibimbap, Kimchi, Korean Seaweed, Makgeolli)
Products endorsed by celebrities, especially those with their autographs, must also be brought home!

Korean food (Ginseng, Seaweed, Kimchi)
You must buy Korean ginseng when you come to Korea ~ Of course there are seaweed and Kimchi too.

Korean cosmetics and skin care products
orean cosmetics are really cheap and easy to use! There are also many cosmetics that focus on natural ingredients and can be used on all skin types. How can you come to Korea without buying cosmetics and skincare products?



Not only that, we also provide you with the most comfortable HOTEL ACCOMMADATION, so that you can rest well after a long day of journey. After a good sleep, continue your journey on the next day!

Idols merchandises, Albums


We also have CAR RENTAL SERVICES, hotel pick-up and airport pick-up are all OK! Friendly driver can help you save more time and send you to your destination safely ~

Our aim is to grasp the essence of conscientious hospitality and ensure that customers are satisfied with our service. We will do our best to plan your wonderful vacation and let you enjoy an unprecedented travel experience.
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